Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Taken from

Singlish Forever.

Britons answer: correct
S'poreans: WRONG. singlish.

When doubting someone...
Britons : I don't recall you giving me the money.
S'poreans: Where got?

When deciding on a plan of action...
Britons answer : What do you propose we do now that the movie's sold out & all the restaurants are closed?
S'poreans answer: So how?

When going shopping...
Britons : I'm sorry, Sir, but we don't seem to have the sweater you want in your size, but if you give me a moment, I can call the other outlets for you.
S'poreans: No Stock!

When returning a call...
Britons : Hello, this is Mr Bean. Did anyone page for me a few moments ago?
S'poreans: Hello, who page?



Mrs Tan Gu Gu, a local shopper in Hong Kan GRC has emerged the winner for waiting for the longest time for an SBS bus at a local bus-stop. She had waited for 8 hours, 43 minutes and 37 seconds before she got onto her bus.

Here is an account from her on that day, 22nd September 2003:"Aiyoh, SBS bus always like that one leh, no come ah, all no come! One come, three, four come leh. Der weather hot mah, so I sit under shelter at the bus-stop lor. The stupid bus hor, all air-con pecah one. Becos I tak boleh tahan the heat, so I don't wan’ to take the first bus lor. Den I wait and wait hor, the aircon bus never come leh. But den hor, got like 2 non-aircon bus pass by mah, den I very angry lor, so I call SBS complain lah. Eventually when the aircon bus got come lor, but three of them together come. SBSservice lagi lousy, pay so much busfare but still got so many non-aircon feeder bus one."

Here is an account from her on that day, 22nd September 2003: "It is either the SBS buses come at the same time, or they do not come at all. Somtimes, four of them come together.
So i sat under the shelter at the bus stop that day. A bus came by. However, it was unairconditioned. So i decided to wait for the next bus, hoping that it is air conditioned. To no avail, two non-aircon buses went by and by then i was already very angry. So i've decided to call SBS and lodge a complain. Finally three air conditioned buses came. SBS service is very bad. Consumers are paying busfares, yet there seem to be very few airconditioned buses around."

Mrs Tan Gu Gu is also the proud achiever and record holder of waiting for the longest time to get a Hello Kitty from the local MacDonald's.

Alright. Done with my post. We are English teachers, and we speak Singlish.
The phrase i always use: Wah sian so many assignments, want to die already.


Rachel Koh Yhih Huua

1 comment:

  1. haha... I guess people in Singapore are brought up speaking short form of proper English. That's why we have singlish.

