Tuesday, October 20, 2009

This is classic!


Like famous wrestler "The Rock" always quote : Do you smell what The Rock is cooking?

Gosh! It would be worst if the sign says Connecting Poopie..haha......Riza

Comparatives vs. Superlatives

When you’re comparing items, you need to notice if you’re comparing two things or more than two things.When you compare two items, you’re using what’s called a comparative, so you use “more” before the adjective or the suffix “-er” on the end of it. You can remember that comparatives are for two thing because “comparative” has the sound “pair” in it and a pair is always two things. When you compare three or more items, you’re using a superlative, so you use “most” or the suffix “-est.” You can remember that superlatives are for more than two things because “superlative” has the word “super” in it and when you want a whole bunch of something, you supersize it.So to think about it loosely, use a comparative when you have a pair of things and a superlative when you have a supersized group (at least more than two).items.

For example, it would be incorrect to say, “It was the tallest of the two buildings.” You are comparing just two buildings, so you should use a comparative, “taller,” not a superlative, “tallest.” A tip to help you remember which suffix goes with which number of items is that “-er” has two letters, and it is for comparing two things; “-est” has three letters, and it is for comparing three or more things.Sometimes, though, an error of this kind sounds more natural than the grammatically correct version.

or for eg, You’ll hear, and probably say, “Put your best foot forward.” Of course we have only two feet, so we should really say “better foot,” but that sounds very strange. Maybe we say “best” because we are speaking figuratively, as in “Do the best you can”; we’re not really talking about actual feet. But we also say, “May the best team win,” usually when only two teams are playing.So “better” versus “best” is a bit of a conundrum. Sometimes the ungrammatical way sounds best.

. Well, I guess “best” is sometimes the best option, even if it’s not technically correct. In speech, it’s probably fine to let a few “bests” slip out, but in formal writing you might want to use a comparative when it’s called for. If it sounds unnatural, then rewrite the sentence

Monday, October 19, 2009

Some hilarious signs that were found on the internet, have a good laugh and at the same time, see if you can think of a better recommedation for the following signs below?

"dining" becomes "dying" in the above sign. o.O!! and "cooperation" become "corporation"

What it should have been; Please put the chairs back to their original position and keep the tables clean after dining. Thank you for your cooperation.

The above Chinese dish makes little sense, after a direct translation from Chinese to English.

"Take the Child, Fall into water carefully"
It should have been, "take good care of children, take extra care not to fall into water"

This is my suggestion:
"Attention: Do not Disturb. Police will be notified if any trepassers are found. Thank you for your understanding."

Do you have a better suggestion for the above warning sign?

Do you have any better recommendation for the above sign?

- Shihao

Bad grammar signs

Dear friends, enjoy looking the bad grammar examples - Sarina

oxford version of singlish words? cool :)

bunnies = business? people passing by may get excited for the wrong reasons :p

I couldn't stop laughing over this one. By paying 25 cents more, we become incontinent? Hehehe.... dreadful....???? Wrong use of possessive pronouns....

What a special chair! A person needs quite a lot of qualities to qualify sitting on it.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

just for laughs

ok i was looking at the website most of you got the other pictures.
a long description of the uses of bamboo. Putting "the" in the wrong place, and wow usage of past tense can deter consumer confidence.

hope you enjoyed!

PowDERFuL EngRish

Posted by: Firdaus.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Powderful Engrish!!

Lental or Rental??? Frying or Flying?

300 shits... or sheets?